ANA-tomically friendly

Human Signage at Tokyo Haneda Airport

This picture was taken in Tokyo Haneda International airport. This simple move by the airport, eleviate a bit of stress away from travellers. Have you ever witnessed people argue about the end of the line? Some due to deliberate disregard for queing, some due to simple ignorance. Here is where analog japan is useful: there was an airport staff standing at the end of the line with a sign "end of the line", so there is no misunderstanding, no possible arguements, no drama. Maybe a robot can be designed to do this job. But I believe, nothing beats the assured feeling of having a human being be there, just as you prefer to talk to a human being instead of an automated answering service when calling a call center to seek help.

Photo of ANA Check-in Counter at Haneda Airport

At ANA Check-in Counter, Tokyo Haneda Airport

While checking in at Tokyo Haneda Airport, we merely have to roll our suitcase onto the belt. This seemingly trivial design choice of lining up the weighing belt to the floor is very significant! Especially today, when most suitcase are designed to roll on 4 wheels. I imagine this is useful for all ages and all genders. Even if I can lift my 28kg suitcase onto a raised platform, why would I? if this is more convenient. The only problem is that the ANA staff then still has to manually lay the heavy suitcase down onto the belt before it is transported away. This is where an opportunity for techonological invention can happen: imagine roboting arms hug the suitcase and rotate 90 degrees to gently lay it down before transport?

Technology is innovated to help us do things more efficiently, but I believe we cannot do away with simple human touch. If technology help me improve my efficiency, human touch help me remember the moments I am grateful for.




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